Aging Well

I just celebrated my sister’s 70th birthday with her in Washington this summer. It is a miracle that she is still around, as she had some major surgery last year on her heart.

It reminds me that as only three years younger than her, we are all aging. Even my paintings are aging! Some of them I have loved for many years, and are still on the walls of my home. But I realize that I won’t be around forever, so keeping them is not an option, so I have gone through my “Available for Purchase” listing on my website, and have adjusted the prices so that purchases may be more appealing to the casual viewer.

I invite you to check them out, and if anyone is interested, please contact me to discuss options. I am open to offers, but we must keep in mind that shipping needs to be included in prices. I look forward to chatting with anyone who is interested.

The photo is one of my sister and I in front of “The Goonies” house in Astoria OR.