Creativity begets Creativity

Creativity has procreated again… Steve Bell’s creativity in photos revived my inspiration to paint in 2008. Malcolm Guite’s sonnets and poems inspired Steve to write music for his fall 2012 Christmas album, Keening for the Dawn.

Lancia E. Smith’s photos of Malcolm inspired me to paint a portrait trilogy studying his face and poetry.

A special thank you to Lancia for her generosity in allowing me use her photos to do this portrait series.

Click here to read Lancia’s own blog “Surprise Collaboration”



3 thoughts on “Creativity begets Creativity

  1. Thanks for posting this, I feel honoured to have been the \’subject\’ of this artistic exchange between you and Lancia. You are entirely right that creativity begets creativity, as i have just commented to Lancia, What makes this artistic collaboration between you two all the more remarkable is that it arises out of a further collaboration that Steve Bell and i are currently engaged in, so what we have here is four individual artists in four different media; poetry, song, painting and photography, all making something new and different as they exchange ideas across the atlantic and yet this new and different work ultimately arises out of the common life in Christ, the indwelling logos. remarkable.

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